Customer Journey Workshop Canvas

Here is a blank Customer Journey canvas for you and your team to download, print and use for your own workshop activities. Digital tools for mapping and designing the Customer Journey are great assets for any team that is serious in their Customer Experience efforts. Although, when it comes to the act of running customer journey workshops, many of us still prefer the analogue way of doing this. And gathering the team around the whiteboard, using post-it-notes and discuss and co-create is a great way not just to map the customer journey, but also to build the team and making everyone part of the conversation.

Download the Customer journey map canvas here: workshop-canvas-customer-journey-map.pdf
Find this map as a template in Custellence

Tips on how to use the Customer Journey workshop canvas

  1. Customer Phases
    Represents the overall phases in the Customer Journey, most often stated as before, during and after using a service or a product.
  2. Customer Journey
    This is the next level below the Customer phases, and where you go into more detail. In this lane, describe all the activities that the customer goes through. For example, waiting for an answer, or receiving a letter. This is a canvas with only 3 steps per phase. If you want to fit in more activities - just cut the canvas apart and extend it as you like.
  3. Customer needs
    Connected to each activity above, describe the customer’s need during this activity.
  4. Emotional curve
    Describe the customer’s emotional state connected to each activity. If the customer is happy the curve goes up, and vice versa.
  5. Potential opportunities
    After having mapped the Customer Journey, the needs and emotions, you will be able to map the potential opportunities. Where are the opportunities for change? Look for places where the emotional curve (no 4) is low. If solving or improving this customer need while also benefiting the business or solve a business need, you have a perfect opportunity to create profitable and customer centric change.
  6. Ideas & Solutions
    Its ideation time! In this lane you place all the ideas and solutions you can you come up with to solve the opportunities you discovered in the lane above (no 5). There are many ways to be creative, brainstorming is one of the most common ways. Here is a great article on how to unlock the creative power of a brainstorming session

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