Vacation Travel Customer Journey Map Template

Is your ambition to create a world class traveling experience? This travel journey map template will help you get faster and better results and successfully achieve your goals.

Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

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The template builds on work done with travel agencies. But it can also serve as a good source of inspiration for other service offerings, that match the following criteria:

  • The customer is the main decision maker
  • The customer is enjoying the service for pleasure of their own free will
  • The use of the service is planned and researched in advance
  • The service provider is mostly responsible for all touch-points

Example of other industries Experience Map, Customer Journey Maps or Service Blueprints where this template could provide a good starting point:

  • Amusement Park Customer Journey Map
  • Museum Customer Journey Map
  • Car Rental Customer Journey Map
  • SPA Customer Journey Map
  • Hotel Customer Journey Map
  • Restaurant Customer Journey Map
In the template we have mapped out major vacation travel steps. Modify it to reflect your customers’ needs and organisational ability. Delete lanes and sub-lanes you don’t need and add new ones.

The map is divided into three sections:

  • The green section: We strongly recommend putting the Customer Lanes at the top.
  • The orange section: Below the customer lanes are the On-Stage Lanes consisting of all the touchpoints.
  • The blue section: At the bottom you’ll find the Back-Stage Lanes mapping opportunities and ways of meeting the customers’ needs.

The map is designed to provide a clear and balanced overview, not too overwhelming, for e.g. a decision group - but with all the deeper insights and details covered in the sub-lanes.

Note the special sub-lane Insight Evidence in the lane Customers Emotional State. Its purpose is to help you make notes about what kind of customer insights you rely on. Are they true, research based or assumptions and wishful thinking? It’s totally okay to mix, as long as you are aware of it.

Use Custellence to map, analyse, innovate, engage, implement and keep improving! Bring your team and colleagues on board and create the best customer experiences in your industry. Good luck!

Good luck!

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